The Shaprstown Project

Building Golf, Scholarship, and Community in the inner city.

Started in 2016, bringing opportunity to young men and women who have not had access to the greatest game is the focus of this project.  With a global community, made up of caring people we have met on our journey, we are truly in a position to change lives of these kids.  With Paul's commitment to long term mentoring, guidance, and watchful eye on academics, scholarship and golf can be joined together to give lifelong tools to students who have the power to change their community.   

The golf world is paying attention to what is happening in Southwest Houston. Having been compared to the Eastlake Project in Atlanta was a huge honor and keeps the positivity and momentum going to change the lives of these young men. Our program includes refugees who fled Iraq, Iran, and Jordan, as well as those who lose family members to drugs and violence. Help make a difference by simply talking about this project and spreading the word.

2018 has seen new life in the project, moving into a brand new, state of the art building and adding a girls program with wonderful support from the local community, as well as the global golf community has only proven the interest of this program is growing.  With sprawling green spaces and an open concept, the new campus is an ideal space for golf and academics.  Building out this campus as well as preparing a boys and girls golf team will be the focus.  If you'd like to get involved or even purchase uniforms, equipment, or even donate your previous set of clubs (we need ladies sets immediately) then email .    

Watch Coach Paul on The Golf Channel's Morning Drive with Gary Williams: (click the picture)

The Sharpstown Project featured on The Golf Channel

The Sharpstown Project featured on The Golf Channel

Hear from students why they are interested in the game, and what they dream of getting from it:

Photo Cred: Andra Harlowe Levity Photography